złom - Aluminium (or Aluminum) - Periodic Table of Videos
złom - Aluminium (or Aluminum) - Periodic Table of Videos

Aluminium (or Aluminum) - Periodic Table of Videos

  • Kategoria: Science & Technology
  • Związane z nim: detektyw lublin, lubelskie, okolica
  • Ocena: 4.9731917
  • Oglądalność: 136453
  • Materiał dodatkowy: na razie brak dodatkowego
  • Czas, trwanie: 11:52

A co inni sądzą?

  • Poznaj zdanie, lub zobacz i oceń już dziś..
  • The problem with saying "aluminium" as an American, is you just come off sounding pompous. 
  • Oh America, when will you learn that "American" is not/never will be an accepted globally as an actual "language", like some(many) of you you yanks think.The only reason they would have relented to accepting aluminum is because science realizes that once America applies one of their many, MANY toddler level mis-pronunciations to a word, it sticks to them forever because they're utterly obsessed with being so alike their peers, and so concerned about not "fitting-in" that they'll *always* prioritise synchronising their mutual behaviourisms over enjoying the presence of actual truth and knowledge.
  • The '-ium' suffix is in a lot of elements. If you're going to call it 'aluminum' and ignore the '-ium' suffix, you may as well ignore the suffix in other elements too. Start saying 'potassum' and 'calcum' and 'sodum'. 
  • America, the US one, does a lot of harm globally by keeping their own naming system. We all watch dozens of videos daily that are made in USA and what it does is muddle everything up. The 'i' in Aluminium is just a drop in the ocean. Pounds, feet and gallons... What it does is that rest of the world is guestimating length of objects, stopping our process of watching the video for couple of seconds while we guess the length of something. It's inefficient and there are no reasons for it, none what so ever. The only explanation are "this is how we do things, live with it, it doesn't bother us".. Well, it should bother you, a lot. Metric is simple, logical, precise. If you think you have no reason to change things, think about this:Imperial units in USA are there to give manufacturers a lot of profit rounding up numbers. There is much more leeway how to express quantities. It is deliberately confusing and relies on memorization rather than actual thought process. They can pick what ever unit they like to suit their rounding up process. With metric system, there is very little they can do about that. Imperial units are a system that is designed to give "about there" measurements, devised in a time when measuring something absolutely perfect was not important not to mention impossible..
  • Transparent aluminum 
  • In response to what was said at 9:18.There is no debate as to whether it is Aluminum or Aluminium. Davy decided to call it Aluminum in 1812 and then 178 years later some jerk decided that "Aluminium" sounds better so this crap was started. Why?"it is very important to use standardized" - it was standardized for 178 YEARS! This is a garbage reason because it was standardized and then that standardization was broken for "sounding nicer". I admit it totally does sound better as "Aluminium" but why stop there? Why not change "Platinum" to "Platinium" or "Iron" to "Irion"?Why was this one element changed for an arbitrary reason of "sounding nicer" but nothing else was changed for that reasoning? How is this an acceptable thing to do?I will now refer to Gold as Goa'uld because it sounds better...and you can't say I'm wrong because I'm using the same arbitrary reasoning.
  • A shiny new aluminium video, years after our hurried first one!
  • I'm rather confused. around 7:00 you talk about melting aluminium oxide into that glass crystal tube. A few seconds later you start talking about sapphire tubes. Are they one in the same? Or is this some mix-up of footage? Is sapphire just an aluminium oxide?
  • ok, so on abundance periodic chart, i see francium has quite large area. isn't francium not even suppose to be on the chart since it is the most scarce element in the world?
  • Aluminium Aluminum Aluminiumum Al
  • *All About Aluminum*Aluminium (or Aluminum) - Periodic Table of VideosGood video :)
  • Blame the name confusion on Sir Humphry Davy. He named Al and he changed the name several times. First he called it alumium in 1807, then aluminum, and finally aluminium in 1812. Here's more: http://www.worldwidewords.org/articles/aluminium.htm
  • Please do a video on fluoride! Would love to see it! 
  • So, I live in the US, so it's pronounced "A-lu-min-um" but I've always spelled it Aluminium. There's so many words in English (or American English I suppose) that aren't pronounced the way they are spelled, so I never really thought about it until now. At least I spell it the more correct way. 
  • Why is there not a separate element called "Aluminum" as well "Aluminium", that way there's no confusion...
  • disappointed you fell into the common mistake of calling the british flag "the union jack" - the union jack is a naval flag, the british flag is more acuately "the union flag". Its a mistake so common that parliment has considered changing the name, but it is a mistake all the same!
  • Thumbs up; if you have squished Aluminium as small as you can possible at school after eating sandwiches. 
  • Why does the professor add an extra syllable to Aluminum when he says it? Sounds incredibly quirky! Lol
  • Surely Princess Diana isn't Kate Middleton's mother? Guessing he didn't mean to say that...
  • It would interesting to see a video on aerogel
  • I think people who argue about culture differences are fucking idiots. Which is why I like to bring up these topics around people who have these differences, because it's hilarious to listen to lol.
  • Can you talk about that chart? What is the deal with the weird shape and those random looking voids on it?
  • Aluminium = אלומיניום in hebrew. Alu-min-yum
  • Aluminium. Take THAT, americans!
  • Thanks for this. I've had so many arguments with people in my chemistry class due to them antagonising me with the American pronunciation at every opportunity. I'll have to email this to them!
  • the way he said Nomenclature sounds far too difficult
  • Aluminium was actually predicted by Mendyelye"yev or Mendeleev before it was actually discovered. He predicted that the empty spot in the periodic table is not a flaw, but an undiscovered element
  • I love how the discussion is only over aluminum/aluminum, no one seems to care that platinum, molybdenum and tantalum don't have an -I'm suffixOf course, if it was only Americans who did it that way, it would be wrong because lord knows, only Americans can be wrong
  • People who say aluminum can go and hike to the moon. It's bloody aluminium!
  • That reaction looks like something from Harry Potter! "Icendio!"
  • Aluminum comes from the term alumina, the oxide.
  • On the topic of oxidation, can mercury rust or tarnish? The metal looks just as shiny every time i see it, and as it is a metal, i would expect some form of oxidation.
  • I seem to remember reading an article some time ago that said the original discoverer of aluminum pronounced it aluminium. I can't remember what country he was from (I suppose I could google it, but whatever), but he named it, and pronounced it that way. That puts the American vs British way of saying it to rest, as it's not really the "British" way of saying it, it's just the correct way.Anyway, don't have anyway of siting that as fact, just what I remember reading.
  • Well this was some illumination about aluminum.

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