złom - How It's Made Aluminum
złom - How It's Made Aluminum

How It's Made Aluminum

  • Kategoria: Science & Technology
  • Związane z nim: brak ciekawych do zobaczenia
  • Ocena: 4.7727275
  • Oglądalność: 384129
  • Materiał dodatkowy: na razie brak dodatkowego
  • Czas, trwanie: 04:54

A co inni sądzą?

  • Poznaj zdanie, lub zobacz aluminium.
  • The refined ore is called Alumina not Aluminia....hence Aluminum not Aluminium.
  • The first thought that came to me when I saw the title: People arguing in the comment section whether it's aluminium or aluminum.Really, people?
  • Most abundant metal on earth yet cars are made of steel which is more difficult to produce and rusts, I smell a rat !
  • Aluminum is Corrosion and Crack resistant??? wow
  • fantastic l can't believe that it's adorable 
  • Fascinating, to see how a metal we use every day is created from such a large and complex process. Just imagine what our world would be like without these essential metals like aluminum, copper and iron.
  • vom Bauxit zum Aluminium
  • Am i the only one annoyed by the music? It sound like somebody tried to replicate the melody of the synth with a midi choir... badly...
  • how they make the machines to make these type of metals is another question..
  • Really liked this, learnt a lot. 
  • how aluminum is made
  • How It's Made Aluminum
  • 45 tons of bauxite= 2 tons of alumina, which gives ton of aluminium..mmmm mmm
  • 2% yield from bauxite is not so bad but the energy needed overall is important !
  • Array
  • I once read somewhere that the wars in Vietnam were fought over bauxite control.
  • @mrspacee And yes, capatilism is no high ground to stand on sunny jim! very few synthasis of dangerous chemicals remain inert to the physical body, they would require high amounts of manipulation with possible others to become a new compound, they dont do that with these chemicals. You giving up is a sign of having nothing else to say, in the way of YOU HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY! Now you will most likely be agered and feel threatened, want to attack back but read this, feel struck and...then what
  • xD
  • Webster just messed up the Americans language.
  • I wonder if there is a gun made of pure aluminum.
  • same here
  • @antichrist65535 It's spelled the same, just pronounced differently.. no one knows how you're saying it. lol Is it Aloo - minium ?
  • Its outer layer is actually corrosion, aluminum oxide. But that is why it is resistant to other forms of corrosion, aluminum oxide is harder than aluminum. That is also why in welding you have to scrape off the outer aluminum oxide so it will melt more easily.
  • @Mandoon I agree they make more money than they should, and science isn't about believing, its about observing results and seeing if they match predictions. We don't believe prozac inhibits an enzyme, we've seen it! saying that that isn't reputable evidence is like saying the keyboard in front of you doesn't work like we see it working. My argument isn't with your political agenda but your misuse of science to aid in it, much like the governments you and many others aren't happy with.
  • Aluminum is the best metal.
  • this is really hard to understand lol
  • @Mandoon Saying PROVEN on youtube doesn't hold as proof, please give some reputable research from known scientists as proof or anyone reading this conversation will not believe your point. Don't get me wrong, I dislike government tactics as well, but not as much as I dislike the use of misinformation and science in what so far appears to be a conspiracy theory
  • Aluminum doesn't oxidize readily, there's a massive potential energy barrier that keeps it from reacting, unless it's heated up and kept in contact with an oxidizing agent. Thermite works using aluminum power and iron oxide (rust) because aluminum oxide is actually lower in energy than iron oxide, so the oxide exchange reaction is favorable (highly exothermic) leading to molten iron as a product. You still need 600+ degrees celcius to start the reaction though.
  • gotta do a new soundtrack on this for chemistry hwk
  • isn't it aluminium? since the brits do say that....or do americans just fail at spelling?
  • :-J Wow, never thought it was so complex to produce and I appreciate more being able to buy some

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